How do I get started on defining Use Cases?

Use Case - Product Service



Start by keeping your use cases simple.

Approach with a simple overview.

Think of a Use Case as a way to represent a coherent unit of the functionality provided by a system or subsystem. You would typically develop a Use Case in the early phases of a project and refer to it throughout the development process or as the project matures.

Remember to focus on:

  • Actors (Roles)
  • Use Cases
  • Package (a complete system)





Enterprise Architecture Framework Image 3


Use Case - Orthodontist Referral



Know the scope of your use cases.

Have a beginning and ending in mind.

Think of a Use Case as a sequence of messages exchanged among individuals interacting with a system together with actions performed by the system. It is manifested by sequences of messages exchanged among the system and one or more outside interactors (called actors) together with actions performed by the system.

Remember to focus on:

  • Identify the Actors (role of users) of the system.
  • For each category of users, identify all roles played by the users relevant to the system.
  • Structure the use cases.


Hands-On Lessons 

Includes important topic areas immediately valuable to you. 

 There are several chapters in the tutorial. We also will send you a free community edition of our modeling tool software. Here are a few of the more popular topics:

  • Overview of Business Planning
  • Diagramming/Dictionary Basics
  • Basics behind Use Cases 
  • Use Case Modeling Techniques
  • Data Repository/Business Glossary

A brief demo of Use Cases

Other supported diagram types include: Class Diagram, State Transition Diagram, Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, Business Process Diagram with BPMN, Custom