Visualize. Align. Transform. 

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Looking for searchable solutions in a pile of unstructured data is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Where is all of this data coming from?

Given most data is unstructured and distributed across multiple sources, we need a way to quickly see the data in near real time across multiple sources and be able to understand it ensuring that decisions are based on timely and relevant data.

As a Data Analyst, you are responsible for gathering insights that will help your company to make better business decisions short-term and long-term. Since you are working with data across multiple sources, you may be wondering how do I overcome feeling overwhelmed by data?

How do you spot hidden trends and patterns in that tangled web of data? How do you as a Data Analyst make informed business decisions when you are missing part of the story?

Today, innovation is the name of the game. If you want your enterprise to gain a competitive advantage, you need to adapt quickly. However, we understand that implementing a new business strategy can be time-consuming and costly. Let's take a closer look at what is a business strategy and the types of business strategies can you deploy.


Why is important to analyze the information before working with it?


What are the most efficient business systems nowadays?


How can technical solutions can develop new strategies?


Is there a specific formula for success when analyzing data?


What are the most important skills for a Business Analyst?


What are the most important tools on the field? For analyzing methods?

Business strategy creation and implementation:

How do you define your business strategy and what type of data is needed to support your business strategy?

To ensure a smooth transition into this new era, you need solutions that enable an adaptive business strategy. What do we mean by "adaptive"? We believe it means to understand change by creating/shifting/changing a strategy that delivers results thereby extracting value in a changing environment. We will show you what makes a good business strategy and how to define your business strategy.

How do I formulate a winning business strategy?

We believe there are three tenants of an "adaptive" business strategy:

1. Planning statements include your business goals, the direction you want to take, and appropriate strategies. These encompass not only functional areas but your whole enterprise. 

2. Strategy Maps that connect the dots between planning essentials and the metadata that is stored in business applications. This allows you to aggregate data across disparate and distributed systems as well as applications and data sources.

3. An intuitive, easy to use Self Service platform enables new business designs by looking beyond the enterprise and by tapping into unknown potential. 

At Visible Systems have been working with Business Strategists for over 25 years. We know the pain and problems you are experiencing. Take advantage of our years of working with Business Strategists and take a look at what we can offer. 

Conceptualize Ideas, Systems, Processes, Data Flows. 

Gain access to insights, white papers, strategy briefings and short video clips covering various topics on Systems Analysis, Data Analysis and Business Analysis.



If you feel now is the time to find out more about our resources available to you in your role as a Systems Analyst click here

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  • Supports a "unified" view across data, process, object and role models.
  • Supports Systems Analysis and Design Methodologies including Spiral, Iterative, Agile and SCRUM in addition to Waterfall.
  • Supports BPMN/BPEL, Entity Relationships, Data Flows, Use Cases, UML, Components, Refactoring, Re-Engineering
  • Schema Generation - Immediately generate code to databases including Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, SAP.
  • Supports Conceptual, Logical, Physical layers immediately connect to SQL/NoSQL data sources including MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Accumulo, Hive, Redis, Redshift


  • Easy to use and to install.
  • How to videos available across all functions.
  • Large base of experienced users and global ecosystem.
  • Universal Model Framework for knowledge bases across a wide range of strong-typed taxonomies and ontologies.
  • Templates available for many initiatives including
    • Data Governance,
    • Digital Transformation,
    • Business Process Re-engineering,
    • Quality Systems Initiatives such as ISO 9000, and
    • Cyber-security Initiatives such as NIST SP 800-171.

For an interesting perspective on the relationship between your business strategy and data by Forrester Research, click the link below.


Evelson, B with Sridharan, S., Bennett, M., Cullen, E., Austin, C., and Yunus, A. (2018, November 20).

Grow Your Business And Compete With A Winning Business Intelligence Strategy Executive Overview: The Business Intelligence Playbook.



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